During lockdown, I have spent some time investigating ways to make money on line. Thinking ahead to getting back on the road, I thought there must be a way to make a living whilst out in the van. Well, what an eye opener! There are many ways to make a small amount of money online, there are also many scams, so caution is advised.
There are a few ways to make enough money to carry on vanning, so to speak. Enough to pay for fuel, food, basic maintenance etc.
There seems to be 4 categories: Cash Back sites, Online Surveys, Matched Betting & Free Casino offers, Affiliate Marketing and of course Stock Market Trading. I will summarise and review some of these over the next few weeks. For purposes of clarity, I will make a small commission on any of the links you follow from here. These links in no way increase any costs to yourselves.

Cash Back
Let’s start with Cash Back sites as these link to the other categories. These sites are fine if you need something. For example, if your broadband contract is due for renewal, always check the offers on these sites. The site Oh My Dosh (I don’t like the name) is currently offering a deal with BT that may suit you. Even buying stuff like clothes, health and beauty products, Top Cash Back offers a discount from Boots, Currys, M&S, and many more. When you need insurance, these sites offer large cash returns. I took out an ISA recently and got £50 into my account. Obviously, if you don’t need any of the above, don’t buy just for the sake of it. (I had shopped around and needed an ISA). Instead, look out for the links to surveys, bingo, and take away food discounts, etc. There are offers to be had all over these sites.
However, be careful, read the small print in the offers. If it looks too good to be true it probably is! Offers that offer cashback for free trials are great, as long as you cancel the trial before the time period. Set a reminder on your phone to remind you to cancel your trial on the day before it ends. I made £95 from a site called 20 Cogs. They offer free trials, only once you have completed 20, they payout. Some of the offers I actually kept on as they are good for my particular lifestyle. Again, be careful and read the small print. Most trials are for 30 days but not all of them. For example, 20 Cogs offers a deal with a company called Lotto Social. At first glance, this offer looks really good, but the trial is only 7 days and if you overshoot this it costs £5/wk to go into their Lottery draw. Avoid Lotto Social but other 20 Cogs offers are fine. So, I can’t emphasize enough, don’t rush into things and read the offer carefully.
In my opinion the best Cash Back sites are as follows:
Top Cash Back and Quidco : Cashback and discount on everyday shopping, insurance, fashion, and Electronics, even discount on eBay purchases.
Oh My Dosh! covers pretty much anything, including free trials, paid surveys, bingo (careful with these), broadband deals, and finance. Start with the small return items until you get a feel for what you want to do on the sites. There is another very good cashback site that doesn’t allow links on websites. Email me or subscribe here, and I will send you the link.
20 Cogs: Free trials for cash back. Read the small print carefully on all their offers. You cannot withdraw your money until you have completed 20 offers. My account is up to £95 with two more offers to complete.
In a few weeks’ time, look out for the next edition of Earning a Pittance on the road, where we will discuss Online Surveys.