Christmas, catering for 14 was hectic but a great success. Below is a different take on the cheeseboard.

Chinese Takeaway at The Supper Club
Now that the crazy Christmas season is all over and we are well into the New Year, it’s time to plan for some more Supper Club evenings. The first Chinese Feast in January was a resounding success.

The menu for the next Chinese Feast incorporated dishes such as Chinese Beef with Onions, Pork Chow Mein, and Watercress soup with Shitake Mushrooms. As starters, we had, Beef Goyza, and Spring Rolls. Dessert Lychee cheesecake. Check out our Nextdoor page for more details.

Supper Club News
Unfortunately, I have a few health issues to sort out this month. This may include an operation. So there will be a gap in Supper Club proceedings until I know how long the recovery period will be. However future plans are already underway, with some exciting themes and menus.
We are planning a Retro Evening at the moment. Who remembers Prawn Cocktails, Steak Diane, Chicken in a Basket, Pineapple and cheese on cocktail sticks? (ours will be goat’s cheese mousse and pineapple jelly). Of course, these dishes will be bettered with a “Paul Twist”. Music from the ’70s will be played and I promise there will be no Blancmange. ( it’s called Panne cotta nowadays).

Last Dinner on the Titanic
How about The last dinner on The Titanic, in 1st class of course. Let’s dress to impress and have a 5-course white plate dinner. I promise you won’t need life jackets. The 1st class menu consisted of 11 courses. Feedback on which dishes we will use would be appreciated. There was a 2nd and 3rd class menu on board also. We won’t be using them, however, I have put them below just for interest. We’ll battle to get all this organised by 14th April, so our sinking may be later.

Curry Evening
Let’s have a Curry Evening sometime soon. My take on a Chicken Tikka Masala, with the chicken cooked on the BBQ/Grill, is pretty good (tho I say so myself)! The deboned Chicken Thighs are marinated overnight in Yogurt, paprika, turmeric, garlic, and ginger. The next day it is Grilled or bbq until the edges are almost blackened and added to the sauce, in pictures below:

Dates and future plans to follow as soon as I’m fit again. All for now.
Peace and Luv
Thinking of you both and sending our love – hope all goes well, Paul and don’t overdo things!
How about for the Titanic menu;
Fillet Minion
Chicken Lyonnaise
Waldorf pudding or poached pears
Coffee/petit fours
Hopefully we’ll be around for this (away 25 April to 6 June)
Sending much love,
Fran and Ken
Hi Fran,
The menu idea looks good. I will try and have some dates within the next week or so.